|advise decided again to donate a bigger amount of money to people in need. This year two social institutions are supported:
Wiehl-hilft e.V. is a charitable association to support children in emergency in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and protects Congolese children within the scope of the project “OKI Moringa Kindertafel©” from life threatening malnutrition. In this “emergency-nutrition program” supplements are extracted from the tree Moringa Oleifera whereby children in overall 18 Kindertafeln can be additionally fed.
More information here.
But advise also supports charitable work on local level though supporting “Ulms kleine Spatzen e.V.”. The association helps children in Ulm and around Ulm that find themselves in an emergency or must suffer from poverty. Often small things are missing like money for sportswear or music education. But sometimes it’s a special medical therapy the health insurance won’t pay for.
More information here.