advise's donations 2023

For a good cause

Désirée Konrad

advise Spenden 2023 Titelbild

At the end of the year, advise will once again be donating a substantial amount to charitable organizations for Christmas 2023. This time, we are delighted to be able to support the following five organizations (again):

Tierschutzverein Franz von Assisi e.V, based in Kissing, has been campaigning for abused and abandoned animals in southern Europe since 2001 and tries to give these animals a life worth living. It also campaigns against animal testing, factory farming and for the spread of animal welfare ideas. The association works together with other animal welfare organizations, animal shelters and animal welfare activists and finances all its activities at home and abroad through membership fees and donations.

Source: Tierschutzverein Franz von Assisi e.V.v

The committed and competent Hospiz in Ulm works hard to improve the support and care of seriously ill and dying people and their relatives in the region. Representing the interests of its member organizations, which include outpatient hospice services, Kinder- und Jugendhospizdienste, sitting vigil groups, inpatient hospices and Palliativversorgungfacilities, the hospice movement is committed to strengthening hospice work at a political and substantive level in committees at state and national level.

"PATRON stands for the vision of a nature free of plastic waste. " As a non-profit organization, Patron strives to play an active role in the restoration and preservation of natural areas. Through their CleanUP events and workshops they aim to inspire people to activate their innate conservation instincts. Join the #plasticfreepeaks journey and support our cause.

Source: outdooractive

The Jugendfarm Ulm from AG West e.V. is an educationally supervised active playground with animal husbandry. The youth farm, affectionately known as "Jufa", is home to horses, a donkey, goats, sheep, rabbits, chickens, pigs and a cat. The children take responsibility for feeding, caring for and mucking out the stables. In addition to riding lessons, there are also tournaments in the riding arena, which also involve sheep and goats, as well as festive events. The Jugendfarm Ulm is always dependent on donations in order to be able to continue its educational activities and animal care.

Finally, we would like to introduce Projekt Schwarz-Weiß e.V.. This registered non-profit organization since 1997 has made it its mission to help people in need in Kenya. In the projects of the Nice View Trust Foundation in Kenya supported by its members and sponsors, abandoned, orphaned and neglected children find a new home. After many years of development, it is now very important to keep the Gesamtprojekt Nice View manageable and to provide each child with individual support in a family atmosphere, as well as a completed education.

Source: Projekt Schwarz-Weiß e.V.

We are delighted to be able to support these organizations with a total of 5,000 euros (1,000 euros per organization). Click through the individual organizations to find out more about their work or to find out how you too can support them.